Tuesday 18 September 2012

Poundshop 6

I have just finished making a hundred beaded hand tie pins and pendants for the next Poundshop.  Opening night is this Thursday at Wieden and Kennedy's offices on Hanbury Street, near Spitalfields.  Rsvp@thepoundshop.org.  Maybe see you there.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Fly Mask

Another new mask.  I think this one needs a cape to go with it.  I need to find some minions first...

Badger mask

One of the new masks I made for the Analogue Perspectives show.

Poundshop @Glug Tonight!

The tiny medals (and the little rosettes) are on sale at Glug (at Cargo) tonight as the penultimate part of Poundshop's Summer Tour.  More details here... http://thepoundshop.org/see-us-at-cargo-on-thursday/

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Analogue Perspectives at the Lomography Gallery

I made some new masks for this show in The Basement Gallery at Lomography Gallery East London (on the corner of Spitalfields market).  It was curated by Concrete Hermit who hosted my last solo exhibition.  The show runs 'til the 16th of August.
More information here... http://www.designweek.co.uk/whats-on/analogue-perspectives/3034853.article

Tuesday 19 June 2012


New rosettes for Poundshop's Summer Tour...

Monday 18 June 2012

Poundshop Summer Tour

I'm selling tiny medals and rosettes for the Poundshop Best Of Summer Tour.  It starts this Saturday at Queen Mary's University as part of Highstreet 2012.  Check the Poundshop blog for details... http://thepoundshop.org/

Little Limbs

Just made lots of beady limb jewellery for this lovely event http://www.elcaf.co.uk/.

Cawana Parade.

This is the last scene I drew for Cawana...

Thursday 12 April 2012

Owl Mask.

I made this owl mask for my boyfriend Neil because it was his birthday yesterday... here's a picture of him wearing it outside a pub.

He looks very handsome.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Cawana shoebox illustrations

These are three of the illustrations I did for Cawana...

Wednesday 4 April 2012


I was commissioned to do a series of illustrations for Cawana last year. They're a Spanish company who make shoes for children. There are four different box designs and three masks to go in the shoe boxes for the children to wear. I'll post the artwork soon, and more photos when they send them...

Saturday 31 March 2012


I drew this tambourine playing owl for these lovely people http://www.farmfestival.co.uk/

Wednesday 7 March 2012